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3/25/20 Amherst, MA contra dance with Kristen Planeaux


3/26/20 Rochester, NY contra dance with New Brew


3/28/20 Fiddlehead Frolic (Ithaca, NY) with Sister Haggis


3/29/20 Rochester, NY English country dance with Sister Haggis


4/2/20 Seattle, WA contra dance with Continental Drift


4/3/20 Seattle, WA contra dance with Continental Drift


4/9/20 Seattle, WA contra dance with Anita Anderson, Dave Bartley, and Marni Rachmiel


4/10/20 Seattle, WA contra dance with Anita Anderson, Dave Bartley, and Marni Rachmiel 


4/11/20 Bellingham, WA contra dance with Anita Anderson, Dave Bartley, and Marni Rachmiel


4/15/20 Amherst, MA contra dance with Rachel Bell and Karen Axelrod


4/18/20 Philadelphia, PA double contra dance with New Brew


4/23/20 Rochester, NY contra dance with John Wobus


4/25/20 Morrisville, NY contra (Madison Hall) - sponsored by Syracuse Country Dancers - with Harvey Nusbaum

                    Syracuse Country Dancers


5/2/20 Swingin' Tern (East Hanover, NJ) contra dance with Sprout


5/7/20 Rochester, NY contra dance with John Wobus


5/17/20 Owego, NY contra dance with John Wobus


5/27/20 Amherst, MA contra dance with Shandy


5/28/20 Portland, ME contra dance with Shandy


5/29/20 Newfields, NH contra dance with Shandy


6/5/20 Cooperstown, NY contra dance with Harvey Nusbaum


6/13/20 Toronto, ON English country dance (afternoon) and contra dance (evening) with Sister Haggis


6/14/20 Toronto, ON English country dance with Sister Haggis


6/20/20 Monterey, CA contra dance with Continental Drift


6/21/20 San Jose, CA contra dance with Continental Drift


7/14/20 Brattleboro, VT contra dance with Rachel Bell and Kristen Planeaux


7/15/20 Amherst, MA contra dance with Rachel Bell and Kristen Planeaux


7/20/20 Louisville, KY contra dance with Continental Drift


7/21/20 Indianapolis, IN contra dance with Continental Drift


7/22/20 Bloomington, IN contra dance with Continental Drift


7/24/20 Nashville, TN contra dance with Continental Drift


7/31/20 Pittsburgh, PA contra dance with Sister Haggis


8/1/20 Pittsburgh, PA English country dance with Sister Haggis


8/15/20 Lancaster, PA contra dance with Sprout


8/20/20 Seattle, WA contra dance with Continental Drift


8/20/20 Seattle, WA contra dance with Continental Drift


9/5/20 Syracuse, NY Double English country dance with Laurel Sharp and Meg Grindrod

                    Syracuse Country Dancers


10/16/20-10/17/20 Syracuse, NY Phylla Mae Fall Festival with Neptune


12/5/20 Ottawa, ON double contra dance with Sister Haggis


12/6/20 Montreal, QC contra dance with Sister Haggis


1/23/20 Toronto, ON double contra dance with New Brew


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